BFFs For Real!

The phrase BFF (best friends forever) is very popular.  I think is safe to say it is mostly used (and abused) by teenage girls proclaiming their undying love and devotion to their girlfriends they can't imagine ever living without - only to forget they ever existed the second they walk off the stage at graduation.  

I don't believe there are many of us, 30-somethings, who can really claim to have girlfriends who can truly be called BFFs... I DO, 6 of them!  

Here they are:

Ok, Ok... so this is circa 1994 - many moons, rains and miles ago.  However, this is one of our last pictures all together.  This was taken right before I moved to Maryland.  We had just finished Sophomore year in high school.  I have known most of these ladies since elementary school, some a little later.  We have gone thru ups and certainly some downs, we have lost touch and reconnected, we can still finish each others sentences and can tell what mood we are in even via texts... we are true BFFs. 

Now, the reason you need to know who these amazing ladies are is because 5 of us will be training for and running the Disney Princess Half Marathon next February!! 

Check out the next post to meet the fabulous women who will be running with tiaras!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like floral patterns were the fashion statement at the time!! ;) Love u girls!!
